July 13

Flutter notes

1. setup coding env. for Andriod & iOS

  • Anrioid
  • iOS
    • note: you might have to run to get your code for xocde:
      • $  sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
      • $ sudo xcodebuild -license
    • Set up the iOS simulator
      • $ open -a Simulator
    • Ensure that homebrew is up to date:
      • brew update
      • brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
      • brew link usbmuxd
      • brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
      • brew install ideviceinstaller ios-deploy cocoapods
      • pod setup

2. modify, run, and deploy

  • modify: change the code as you need
  • run:
    • (android) visual studio terminal:
      • $ flutter emulators  (get list of devices)
      • $ flutter emulators --launch pixel (launch it)
      • $ flutter run  (compile and run)
  • deploy

3. hello world app

4. our features

*. code clean up

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